Monday, July 8, 2013

Grass, Cats & Cedar, Oh, My!

So I started this post a long time ago and never posted! Whoops?!

In 2012 I had nine sinus infections, yes, nine. So far in 2013 I've had three. After discussing it with my husband I finally went and saw an allergist in the Stone Oak area. You can see her website here. I had to fill out a questionnaire (like you do at all first time doctor visits!) and I had to circle the months where I had allergy issues... which felt like every other month it seemed like in 2012! After meeting with Dr Trott-Gregorio she asked me if I wanted to go ahead and have the allergy test done that day. <insert scary music here> Naturally I had my reservations, such as not being poked by 72 different needles ;) She said it doesn't work like that any more and they are just little pricks on your back with the different allergens. So, I opted to do it! As it turns out, I'm allergic to most trees, grasses, weeds and cats! No wonder I was miserable all the time!

I started my series of 29 weeks (yes, 29) mid June and will be done around Christmas! My first visit I was educated on how to use an EpiPen. Scary thought, but handy knowledge! Since I am allergic to so many different things I actually need three injections per visit, this is not fun for me...I don't like needles. It will be worth it when it is all done and I can actually enjoy the outdoors! I will keep updated on my "allergy journey"

Blessings & Love


Parmesan Chicken

Happy Monday! Today felt like a good new recipe day! (Plus I planned ahead!)

I took out the chicken to thaw in the refrigerator while I was at work and made sure I had all the necessary ingredients so I wouldn't have to make a trip to the store during lunch hour! All the ingredients are staples in our house and thankfully I hadn't run out :)

1 1/2 lbs boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 cup Greek Yogurt
1/2 cup of Parmesan Cheese
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 1/2 teaspoon season salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper

I will let you know that this was a little salty for my taste, so next time I will cut down on the season salt.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place chicken in a sprayed baking dish (I used my 9x13 pyrex).

In a bowl off to the side combine the cheese, yogurt, garlic, season salt and pepper together. This is what it starts to look like :)

Spread mixture over the chicken and bake for 35 minutes.

I made rice and steamed veggies in Italian dressing as the sides. The veggies are frozen green giant brand you find in the freezer section at your grocery store!


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Long time no post ;)

Well, I am certainly slacking in the blog department! I don't mean to...just so happens that life gets in the way. Which is a great theme for this blog, crazy life. I am going to post a lot in the next few days essentially to play catch up!

Do you ever feel that you have so much going on all the time that you don't even remember what you had for breakfast that morning? Welcome to my world ;) ... and about 75% the people I know! I am definitely trying to stop the "glorification of busy" as Jon Acuff calls it, but boy life gets busy real fast! As I type this I'm thinking about the 6 birthday parties in 5 weeks we are attempting to attend. And that is just birthday parties, there is still "normal" things on top :)

Over the next few days I'll cover the topics of busy, unnecessary drama and hopes, dreams and goals. All kind of link together but I'll put them in separate posts ;)