Saturday, September 28, 2013

Being "Momma"

Stricklin is three now and the time is just simply flying! I kind of want to reverse the clock and start over at the newborn stage, (minus the whole diaper changing - I like the potty trained part!) can we do that?! I feel like we just brought him home yesterday from the hospital. (On a non-nostalgic I probably remember because I just got in our "Strick's Birth Day" Shutterfly Book!) Seriously though, I am taking him to try out Baseball and Soccer tomorrow, when did this happen?? He is growing up and getting smarter every day and I catch myself constantly wondering what kind of person he will become. I am certainly hoping that we are raising him "right" and he puts God first in all he does. He already loves going to church so I think we are off to a good start! Although, it may just be the donuts and his friends he is excited about at this point ;)

Strick calls me "momma" and always has - well since he started talking anyway. Every now and then he throws in "Amber" - usually when he is being silly! I feel so blessed that we were chosen to be his parents. I think God knew we wanted a baby then and he delivered. Strick was a really good baby, granted I had my stressful moments but mommyhood is the best thing ever! It has been a blast watching him grow and learn everything he knows now. I've just recently started his annual albums (shame on me! HAH!) and I'll be printing soon. :) Such great memories and looking forward to so much more!