Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Advocare 24 Day Challenge 2016!

Holy goodness y'all!

So on January 11th the nationwide Advocare 24 day challenge kicked off! I am so ready to lose this pregnancy weight y'all! Last time we did the challenge my husband lost 15 pounds and I lost 7, however I wasn't working out when I did it. I am this time! Speaking of... I am finding a serious lack of information on the 24 day challenge and a beachbody program. I don't believe that there is only Advocare, or only BeachBody, or only Thrive, Plexus, ect ect. I don't think that there is necessarily a one size fits all fitness regime. I like the BeachBody workouts and love that they come with guarantees, I loved the results from our last challenge too! But the serious lack of both together has driven me nuts. I am doing the 24 day challenge and turbo jam from BeachBody this go round! I will be updating with all the fun stuff. Be watching for the deets!

Here is a quick look into what I've eaten...

Day 1
Breakfast - Fiber Drink, Eggs with green onions and red peppers.
Lunch - Salad with chopped Chicken. I ate this dry at my desk. It wasn't too shabby!
Dinner - Another salad with chopped chicken! I had a screaming baby and a whining five year old so dinner had to be on the quick! I had already premade salads for the week so I ate one of those and my five year old got a PB&J with rice cake chips and yogurt :)
Consumed about 60oz of water and one bottle of spark in the morning and a bottle of spark in the afternoon too!

Day 2
Breakfast - Fiber Drink, Eggs wrapped in deli chicken breasts
Lunch - Dry Salad with Chicken
Dinner - Crockpot Cilantro Lime Chicken.
Snacks - Banana in a.m., Plantain chips in pm

I'll post meal photos and before and afters real soon! Keep watchin'

Monday, January 11, 2016

Long time no post!

Y'all - I have SERIOUSLY neglected my blog! Life just kinda happened! I will get better about posting!

What has happened since I last blogged?? I'll be posting a whole lot of updates in the next few weeks along with some exciting news for 2016!